Botswana is a landlocked country in the centre of Southern Africa, with a population of about 2.3 million people. It is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world, with about 70% of its territory being covered by the Kalahari Desert. Botswana is bordered by Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa, and has a short river border with Zambia at the point where four countries meet.

Botswana has a rich history and culture, dating back to over 200,000 years ago when modern-day humans first inhabited the region. The dominant ethnic group in Botswana is the Tswana, who migrated from the north around 600 AD and established several kingdoms and chiefdoms. The Tswana were also known as Bechuana by the British, who colonised the area in 1885 and declared it a protectorate under the name of Bechuanaland.

Botswana gained its independence from Britain in 1966, and adopted a democratic system of government with a multiparty parliament and an executive president. Since then, Botswana has been one of the most stable and prosperous countries in Africa, with a high level of economic growth, human development and political freedom. Botswana is also renowned for its wildlife and natural beauty, with many national parks and reserves that host a variety of animals, birds, plants and landscapes.

Botswana is a fascinating country to visit, learn about and explore. In this blog post, we will share some of the most interesting facts and features of Botswana, such as its geography, history, culture, economy, politics and tourism. We hope that you will enjoy reading this post and discover more about this amazing African nation.