Zimbabwe has a population of over 15 million people, who are predominantly Shona (80%) and Ndebele (15%). The country is also home to a number of smaller ethnic groups, including the Chewa, Tonga, Kalanga, and Venda. English is the official language, but Shona and Ndebele are widely spoken as well.


Zimbabwe is a lower-middle-income country with a developing economy. The economy is based on agriculture, mining, tourism, and manufacturing. The country has a rich natural resource base, including gold, platinum, and diamonds. However, the economy has been struggling in recent years due to corruption, hyperinflation, and political instability.


Zimbabwe has a rich and diverse culture, which is influenced by its many different ethnic groups. The country is known for its traditional music, dance, and art. Zimbabwe is also home to a number of important historical and cultural sites, such as the Great Zimbabwe ruins and the Khami ruins.


Traditional marriages in Zimbabwe are still common, especially in rural areas. Traditional marriages are arranged by the families of the bride and groom, and they involve a number of rituals and ceremonies. Polygamy is still practiced in some parts of the country, but it is becoming less common.


The staple food in Zimbabwe is maize (corn), which is eaten with a variety of other dishes, such as stew, vegetables, and beans. Other popular foods include sadza (a type of porridge made from maize), nsima (a type of porridge made from cassava), and rice. Zimbabweans also enjoy a variety of fruits and vegetables, such as mangoes, bananas, oranges, tomatoes, and onions.


Zimbabwe is known for its traditional dances, such as the jerusarema, the mbende, and the isicathamiya. These dances are often performed at celebrations and ceremonies. Zimbabwe also has a modern music and dance scene, which is influenced by a variety of genres, including hip hop, pop, and reggae.


Zimbabwe is a popular tourist destination, due to its beautiful scenery, diverse wildlife, and rich culture. The country is home to a number of national parks and safari areas, where visitors can see animals such as lions, elephants, rhinos, and giraffes. Zimbabwe also has a number of historical and cultural sites, such as the Great Zimbabwe ruins and the Khami ruins.


The major holidays in Zimbabwe include:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Independence Day (April 18)
  • Workers’ Day (May 1)
  • Africa Day (May 25)
  • Heroes’ Day (August 11)
  • Defence Forces Day (August 12)
  • Unity Day (December 22)
  • Christmas Day
  • Boxing Day


The nightlife in Zimbabwe varies depending on the location. In the major cities, such as Harare and Bulawayo, there are a number of bars, clubs, and restaurants that stay open late. In the smaller towns and villages, the nightlife is more subdued. However, there are still a number of places to go for a drink or a meal.

Overall, Zimbabwe is a beautiful and diverse country with a lot to offer visitors. The people are friendly, the culture is rich, and the wildlife is amazing. If you are looking for a unique and unforgettable travel experience, Zimbabwe is a great choice.